I am working on getting ready for my Open House/Retired Stamp Sale on Saturday down in my family room. I just moved a cabinet down there from my mudroom last week. My Father-in Law made this cabinet years ago before he passed away. He used an antique hoosier cabinet my husband and I had purchased at a sale as his pattern/model. After my Father-In-Law passed I asked my husbands mom if we could have it. She graciously said YES! We have used it in so many places in our house and out in our Deer Processing shop over the years. I just love it!
So this morning when my daughter Abby and I were laying out the room for the sale I told her lets use the cabinet for samples and why don't you set it up. (She has a great eye for design) I walked over by her, and have you ever had a conversation where one person is talking about one thing and you are talking about another thing and they both make sense but neither are related? That is exactly what happened to us this morning. She said the words, you could put DSP inside....I thought she was talking about the panels on the cabinet while she was talking about something completely different but Wowee the idea was born! What a GREAT Idea we had collaboratively!! So I got busy and put some of the new Spice Cake Paper from the Holiday mini in each panel of the cabinet and absolutely love it! I used Dotto so I can change it up regularly.
Here is the cabinet it wasn't what I had planned to show you today but I just couldn't resist. Click on the photo if you want to see it a little closer up. Imagine it plain jane...this is Much better trust me!
My wheels are turning now. I have matching fabric of course and now I can open up some of the panels and drap it with fabric or products showcasing the Spice Cake Suite of products.
So if you are in my area and would like to attend my Open House/Retired Stamp sale here are the details:
Huge Retired Stamp Sale and New Catalog Open House
Saturday August 13th
Shop til you drop in my 8 years of accumulated Stamps and accessories area. All items are priced to sell. I need the room! Then received a Gift Certificate for 30% of your retired purchases to go toward a shopping spree in the new 2011-2012 Idea Book and Catalog! Yep the more used stuff you buy the more NEW stuff you get for FREE!!
I will have 2 make n take projects for you to create along with lots of goodies to see so bring your camera with you to gather plenty of ideas!
Giveaways throughout the day!
Receive a FREE stampset (up to $45 value) from my "New Stamps" box for:
- Booking a workshop in August, September or October of this year. Bring your calendar! you won't want to miss out on the great hostess dollars and any 1/2 price item from the catalog deal! Also take home your own Idea Book & Catalog that day! ($10.00 value)
- Sign up to be a part of the Create With M.E. team!
- Join my newly forming Daytime Stamp Club
- Join my newly forming Evening Stamp Club
- Purchase $50 in New Catalog merchandise over your Gift Certificate amount (before Tax, S & H)
- Joining my next round of Marker Club
- Do all 6 above and go home with 6 new sets!
Love to know your coming so drop me an email at: [email protected]
Okay off to make busy!